(541)-445-2131 * Fax : (541) 445-2041 * 197 Main Camas Rd/PO Box 57 * Camas Valley Oregon, 97416

Welcome to the Camas Valley Community Charter School Website.

We are a small community-based school that has made a commitment to keeping our class sizes small enough to provide high levels of attention to each individual student.

At Camas Valley Community Charter School our teachers are caring and dedicated, often going above and beyond to serve the needs of our student population. Our support staff are equally dedicated to providing essential services that ensure our school is running well and meeting our students’ individual educational needs.

With the new Common Core State Standards and the ever increasing requirements to earn an Oregon diploma, now more than ever is the time for students, parents, community, and the school to work together to make sure our students are successful. Even with the increased rigor and the hard work required to help students meet these challenges, Camas Valley Community Charter School still prides itself in having a warm, friendly, family-type environment.

Volunteers and visitors are encouraged at our school. Just call the office to set a date or time to start getting involved. We’d love to see you become a part of this special environment.

Don Wonsley

Don Wonsley


Randy Smolensky – Vice Principal


Randy Smolensky